12 Volt Complete Headlight Assembly A B G 50 60 620 70 720
12 Volt Complete Headlight Assembly A B G 50 60 620 70 720
12 Volt Complete Headlight Assembly fits A Styled WITH SHEET METAL DASH SN 584001 and up, B WITH SHEET METAL DASH SN 201000 and up G SN: 26001 & up, 50 With Cowl Mounted Lights, 60 Rowcrop & Standard With Cowl Mounted Lights, 70 Diesel, When Converted To 12 Volt, Rowcrop & Standard, 70 Rowcrop & Standard With Cowl Mounted Lights, AO, ARD SN 143800 and up, H When switched to 12 volt, R When switched to 12 volt, 80, 620 Standard & Orchard To SN: 6213099, 720 Gas / LP Rowcrop With Cowl Mounted Lights & Standard to SN: 7214899BNHBN
Replaces AF710R